Real Techniques Brushes


Real Techniques brushes are as good as the drugstore can get!  These soft brushes apply makeup smoothly and give an airbrushed effect.  These colorful brushes are affordable if you are on a budget, You will get great quality for an amazing price.  My favorite brush is the setting brush it is great for applying a setting powder over concealer and works great for countering and highlighting.  The deluxe crease brush is great for blending out under eye concealer to give a airbrushed effect.

Spring Nail Colors


Nail polish, AKA a girls second best friend (diamonds always come first), is a must for spring time. Nails are covered in brights and pastels! Essie has always been my favorite brand because how long the color lasts, the wide range of colors, and who doesn’t love the fun names. The colors are so pigmented and you only need one to two coats and your nails are covered! The wide range of colors gives you many different shades of colors from teal to maroon. (Colors left to right: tart deco, play date, pink about it, lilacism, blossom dandy.)

Urban Decay Electric Palette

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The UD Electric Palette is not something you would think to use everyday, but it comes in handy! The bright colors are very pigmented, they blend well, and go on smoothly.  Use this pretty palette to put a pop of color on the lower lash line, or for a summer festival look.  I definitely recommend this product for everyone!